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Hello, and thank you for taking the time to visit this website!

The purpose and intention of this place is to serve as a collection of ideas and thoughts on the idea that literary value and the thoughtfullness that comes with it should not be something reserved for things that are typiclly considered literature. Plenty, plenty of books and writen works have a lot of things worth thinking about and talking about, but it feels quite often that this sort of analysys of media as a whole has become something limited to and associated with volitile internet fights about movies and TV.

Fiction and fantasy have long been used as reflections of real-world struggles and issues (and the ideas that surround them as a whole) but when the division of what is worth thinking deeply about is drawn so harsly between 'academia' and 'leisure' when it comes to written works, this is a genuine detriment to both the academic and the casual exlporation of these kinds of topics.

I have more on my thoughts on this here, and when people have begun to submit their own thoughts that they'd like saved, those will be here!