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Despite what the URL suggests, this is not at all place for only poetry - this is a website I have assembled to try and have people share poetry, short stories, rambles, really, any kind of written thing. Sort of like an online, slow motion book club, I suppose. Except there isn't any specific book or piece of writing..

If you've had the curiosity to explore this website enough to be seeing this, there's a good chance you like to think about things, and try and dig some deeper meaning out of them, so the idea of doing such a thing to works that aren't the typical literary subjects (the same handful classic books written by upper-class people from a long time ago being the things that most often are the subject of literary analysys as a hobby being so, so small compared to the body of work that exists outside of that realm)

So, really, why should looking deeply into, and in general when thinking on written works in this way be limited to only books by the rich or affluent? The works of those who aren't are just as important, if not moreso, because oftentimes basically anyone who isn't at "the top of the food chain" so to say, is almost certainly someone who isn't more than one major hiccup in life away from having absoloutely everything turned upside-down for them, statistically speaking?
Pretty much every piece of work from any given period, very much including our own, have reflections of the social worries of those times.
Plus the fact that there are so many written works.. fantasy, sci-fi, non-fitction, short stories, and a whole ton of other kinds of things made by people belonging to magrinalized, disenfranchised, underprivledged, just genreally fucked over groups that are useful in understanding all of the facets of how society and the systems within it uphold that opression and explotation which is useful to understand to an extent those realities. And that sounds super clinical but there isn't a better way for me to express it unless I were to walk in circles around it for another couple of paragraps..